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When It Comes To Cognitive Skills Sometimes You Have To Fake It!

Are you as smart as a two-year-old? Malachi is constantly testing my cognitive skills. Sometimes I pass, but when I don't I fake it. Hears what it sounds like...

The "Wheels On The Bus" went round and round as they searched for who took "The Cookie From The Cookie Jar". They found out it wasn't Papaw Shark, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo that took the cookie from the cookie jar., Then who took the cookie? It was that little mean monkey jumping on the bed that fell off and broke his finger that took the cookie. Who me? Yes, you. Not me. Then who, It was "Nana Broken Finger who took the cookie from the cookie jar. Who me? Yes you. Not me. Then who? It was the "Twinkle Little Star" that get the idea.

I think I could make a fortune writing a "Who Did It" series titled, "Bluey And The Cookie Mysteries?""

Having too much fun to get old.



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