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What's Left In Your Wallet from 2023? It Could've Been Some Serious Cash With The Right "Rewards Card"

This year my Capital One "Savior" rewards card has paid me $701.89 in cash. I think that's pretty good. However, I have still been looking around to see if another "Rewards Card" wants to pay me more. If you haven't reviewed your "Rewards Card" lately, you might find another card company that wants to pay you more.

What's the difference between a "Rewards Card" and a "Credit Card". Well, for the most part it's a mind set. The Bible calls it "A Transformation of the mind" (Romans 12:2). Think about it... with a credit card you are forced to buy fewer things you need in order to pay the credit card company more. With a rewards card you get to spend more on the things you need because you pay them nothing. When we stop using our card as a "credit" card in which we pay them and start paying the balance in full, it becomes a "rewards" card in which they pay us..

I do not have a "Credit" card, I have a "Rewards" card. I purchase everything (groceries, cable, gift cards (4X fuel points), gasoline, restaurants, theater tickets, utilities, insurance payments.) with my rewards card and the company pays me cash to do it. Can it get any better than that? YES! How about earning an extra month's worth of interest on the money you would have paid out, if you hadn't used cash. Here is something maybe you didn't think about; saving you some time an money on your tax preparation. No more trying to keep up with all the receipts. The "rewards card" company sends you an itemized list of all your expenditures. Your CPA might not charge you less but he will love you more.

For us, groceries, personal products, and household items make up our biggest monthly expenditures. Because of that and the fact that Jean and I (mostly I) like to eat out a lot and like to watch "Britbox Murder Mysteries" so we have chosen Capital One "Savior" Rewards Card.. After checking with with my card company, although there is no annual fee for my card there is now a $95 charge for new applications. . However the "Savior One" which has almost the same rewards has no annual fee.

Here is the complete break down...

4% cash back on dining and entertainment

4% popular streaming services (Also your phones if they are on your streaming service bill)

3% on groceries (including all paper, cleaning supplies, and medical items if purchased at grocery story)

8% cash back on Capital One Entertainment purchases.

5% cash back on hotels and rental cars booked through Capital One Travel

1% on all other purchases.

No Annual Fee

HEY, if you happen to know of a better rewards card out there please let us all know!

Taking a bite out of inflation; #GettingTheMostOutOfMyLastBestBite



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