What's Becoming Of This Younger Generation? If you are a baby boomer, you have probably asked that question at some point.
Last week, although we were so (fun) busy that we only had time for one dinner celebration for our 48th anniversary, it was special because we were served by our grandson Isaac. As Isaac took our order, I asked him, "How are you doing?" He replied, "Thanks for asking, Papaw. I am a little tired but having a good day. I did my workout at 4:45 this morning and then met with my trainer for an hour before school. I had a good day at school and got here by 4'clock. Tips have been good."
This young man is 17 years old and finishing his senior year in high school. He works out at 4:45 a.m. 4-5 days a week, after which he meets with his trainer or shoots hoops for another hour before heading off to school, all the while (working)25-35 hours a week at TWO jobs. Why is he working so hard? "To have enough spending money in order to focus on his basketball" scholarship next year at Southeastern University. After hearing about his schedule last week, I realized I wasn't busy at all.
Last night, I got a call from Chi (Carl), a 17-year-old friend/neighbor from where I used to live. He shared with me that he was working at Walmart (35 hours weekly) to pay for his gas and insurance. He wanted to let me know he could visit more since he received a full OTC scholarship at North Georgia University (about 45 minutes from my house). His plan is to become a pilot in the Air Force.
What's becoming of this younger generation? A lot of them are doing amazing!
Whether justified or not, the older generation has a reputation for viewing the young as being lazy and disrespectful. We can change that by moving from complaining to complimenting.