If you were to ask my grandkids, "Who is papaw's favorite grandchild?" without hesitation every one of them would say, "I am papaw's favorite." You know why? Because I tell each one of them they are my favorite. We have six grandkids ranging from ages -5 months to 21 years old and I can truly say that we love all of them equally. However, there will always be a different kind of bond with our first born grandson. I think maybe it's because every one of his firsts, was also one of our firsts. The first time he rolled over. The first one we celebrated his birthday. The first time he walked. And some of the most precious words I have heard was the first time he said "papaw".
I will never forget when I had my heart attack and had to spend a couple of nights in the hospital, at seven years old Micah told Jean, "Nana I will go home with you and be the man of the house."
Although, MIcah and I talk, text, and eat lunch together often, it's not often we get to spend the entire day together. But this past Sunday we did. Him and his beautiful girlfriend Bella, came over after church and we had Nana's (almost world famous) chicken salad sandwiches, watched football, took a (literally all of us) hour and half nap in the recliners, and then went and played pickleball for another hour and half.
As he was leaving I said, "You know I love you very much." He said, "Yeah, I know. Love you too papw."