Can one factor make the difference between a fantastic life and the life of a couch potato? Yes, and here is why I say that. When you think about the best times of your life, don't they usually include others? Relationships are crucial to a healthy, happy, and purpose-filled life, especially as you age. Relationships with our family, our friends, and the creator of relationships, our faithful and loving God.
From the beginning, God tells us we were created (Genesis 2:18) for relationships (Luke 10:25-28). And finally science is coming in line with God’s word. According to the CDC, our social connections lead to a longer life, better health, and overall well-being. While on the other hand, they have found that for those aged 60 and older, social isolation rivals smoking, obesity, and physical inactivity. Loneliness and social isolation are linked to severe health risks, including a 50% increased risk of dementia. Among heart failure patients, there is nearly four times the risk of death.
While it is harder to make friends and nurture relationships, especially as you get older, there is a place you can go that focuses on relationships. It’s called “Lanier Hills Church,” and as we say, “It’s the perfect Church for people who are Aren’t.” OK, that is where Jean and I go, but it may be too far of a drive for most of you. The point I am making is that a local healthy Church is the ONE PLACE where you can find the purpose, the power, and the relationships to live the life you were created to live.
If you are not attending a church I would like to invite you to Lanier Hills Church, THIS SUNDAY. I know you will find the worship exciting and empowering. The people are the friendliest and most encouraging you will ever meet. And no matter the age; kids, students, adults, there is a group for you. For me, the LAF (Life After Fifty) community group is fantastic, always doing something fun and unique. Then my small group is “Living Proof” that life is designed to be done together. Most importantly you hear God's word and will grow in your relationship with Him.
So go to Church this Sunday and be on the lookout for my next Last Best Bite post about “Why Diversified Relationships Are A Necessity For Living The Best Possible Life.
