About seven weeks ago at the gym, while doing my warm-up on the treadmill, I was 2 1/2 miles into a good 5K pace (for me-46 minutes), when I noticed that my left arm began to go numb up to the elbow. I immediately got off, and within a minute or so the numbness went away, and I was fine. One thing I have learned while living with congestive heart failure is "Don't Ignore Things Like That". After working out, I went home and messaged my heart doctor through the patient portal, explaining what had happened. Within 2 hours, he messaged me back, saying, "I have no openings today, but I have set up an appointment with an associate for 3:30 this afternoon. Be there".
Long story short, it has been 5 weeks today since I had open heart surgery for an aortic valve replacement. I have lost much of my stamina along with weight and strength loss. It's been somewhat painful. I have been unable to take walks with Jean or have some family gatherings. I've missed Church and my men's group on Monday. I have not been able to drive or go to the gym. Some people may call that a setback. I call it a miracle. According to the doctors, my life expectancy has increased by several years. But more importantly, my quality of life is already better.
Yesterday, Jean and I were blessed with a perfect day to walk, and we took advantage of it. She patiently walked with me as I completed 2.95 miles in 1 Hour and 46 seconds. It was a long way from a 5K in 48 minutes, but we laughed and had fun because we were doing it together.
At the heart of the story (pun fully intended): Pay attention to what your body tells you. Listen to your doctor’s words as well. In the end it’s most likely God is speaking through them, aiming for your life story to be the best it can be.