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Like Drinking From The Fountain Of Youth...Hanging With Teens!

What a great time we had yesterday at lunch with Layla (our granddaughter) and Riley, her boyfriend. They are so much fun to be with. They constantly amaze me with their maturity. Part of our conversation yesterday involved debating the morality of capital punishment without bringing religion into the conversation. They showed us the latest on TikTok. They talked about the best movies out there. But for me, the funniest part of the conversation was when Riley told us about a couple of months back when he and his buddies climbed over the fence and walked through an abandoned psychiatric hospital. Did I mention they are still only 16 and 18? Hey, you and I did worse than that for fun. So proud of these two.

Do you want to stay young? Take some teens out to lunch. It could be the most enlightening, fun, and cheapest afternoon you have experienced in a while.

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