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Is It Just Me Or Do You Think It's Fun Saving Money Too?

Jean (my wife) is fantastic. Early this morning, she did her Friday ritual of clipping e-coupons from the Krogers app. Then we headed to the grocery store, where we saved $40 on groceries and got 4 times the gas points. Combining those with last week's points, we went to the gas pumps, filling my truck and her car for $2.17 a gallon- saving another $20 (When was the last time you filled up 2 vehicles for $44). On top of that, we got a total of $5.50 back on our reward Credit cards (3% on groceries with our Capital One Savour and 3% back on the gas with our Credit Union Card—total savings: $65.

With that kind of money, we can get dressed up all "Fancy Like That" for two date nights at Applebees!

I have found that the "last best bite" tastes even better when it costs nothing.


Last Best Bite

©2023 Last Best Bite.Created by Larry Potter

Edited by Jean Potter

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