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Hiking Through History

What do you get when you put together a fun person like my wife with a sunny 68-degree day, add in a bunch of canons, with a lot of earthworks and historic information? You get a 6.94 mile hike up Kennesaw Mountain Battlefield Park?

Rusty, the very nice park ranger in his mid 50’s, told us where we would be hiking was considered moderate. Either Rusty needs to go back to Ranger school or he is oblivious to what his life is going to be like when he gets to 68 years old. I think of the nearly 7-mile hike, 3 miles would be closer to difficult than moderate. If hiking is not your forte, no problem you can drive up. Either way, if you have never been there, or it’s been awhile since you visited, Kennesaw Mountain Battlefield Park makes for an amazing day.



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