Looking back on my younger years, I see the giants I have conquered for the most part: selfishness, greed, lust, and anger. I am not saying that those things never challenge me, but when they do raise their ugly head, I seem to be able to slay them more quickly now. I still have giants that come up against me. I think we all do. They just come at us in different ways than they did in our younger years: dementia, death of a loved one, loneliness, depression, finances, or serious health issues.
In most of my grandson's (Isaac) high school games, although others on his team were much taller, the Coach usually put Isaac on the big man. Why? Because the coach knew Isaac had the physical strength to take on the big men. And when, as strong as he was, these giants were more than he could handle, Isaac had teammates who came to his side to help him take on these big men. In the picture, his opponent (recruited as a Division 1 player) was much bigger at 6'8", yet Isaac shut him down for most of the game.
I have found the two most important strategies for overcoming giants in my life are...
First is relational strength-building. Did you know that friends are the greatest tool for battling isolation and loneliness? Strong social connections have been proven to reduce the risk of depression, high blood pressure, and even an unhealthy body mass index. Friends encourage you to change or avoid unhealthy lifestyle habits, such as excessive drinking or lack of exercise.
Second: physical strength-building. Every aspect of your life—mentally, emotionally, relationally, even spiritually—is directly connected to your physical health. Just a brisk walk for 30 minutes five days a week, combined with two days of activities that strengthen muscles, can give you the energy to do what you want to do and go where you want to go.
Call a friend, take them to the gym or for a brisk walk, and then out for a healthy meal.