Have you noticed for those of us who are in the 60 and above age group, there seems to be a lot of humor about being early? Early dinner, early to bed, early to rise, early for appointments. I have been in the "early club" most of my life and I think there are a lot of positive things to be said for being early, especailly when it comes to meeting other people.
When it comes to events or appointments, how would you describe yourself: Always early, usually on time, usually late, or always late?
I can't recall where I heard it, but this philosophy has helped me reduce the stress of being late and show people that I appreciate them and their time. It can help you do the same. The philosophy is simple: 5 minutes early is on time, on time is 5 minutes late, and being 5 minutes late says that your time is more important than the person you are meeting.
REVELATION; GPS does not account for red lights or “those people” who you can't pass because they are obeying the speed limit.