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A 30-Second Test To See How You "Stand" On Getting Older In 2025

We can eat a balanced diet and have a balanced exercise routine and still miss out on how to prevent the number one cause of death in people 65 and older... falling after losing their balance.

According to new Mayo Clinic research, how long a person can stand on one leg is a better measure of aging than changes in your strength or how fast you can walk. Good balance, muscle strength, and an efficient gait contribute to people's independence and well-being as they age.

I used to do this every morning combined with my stretching but I haven't been for seven or eight months. So I tried it on both legs. Then with both eyes closed. With a lot of wobbling, I did it... just barely. It's true, "If you don't use it, you lose it. If you use it, you maintain it,"

Want to see how well you are aging. Stand on your dominant leg (the one you used when you played kickball) for thirty seconds. It only makes sense; A two-minute exercise that can save a hospital stay and maybe months in physical therapy. The good news is if we start to practice today, in a few weeks we see quite a bit of improvement.

Proverbs By Potter: If we learn to how stand up on one leg we will be less likely to fall and break the other one. 😂



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